neutron Gallery@- ŽÄ“c –Fì“W@wA Garden in the mindx-
2008/6/10 Tue - 22 Sun@gallery neutron


Kawasaki Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition @Kawasaki JFE SteelE_“Þì 2005

The deep space -ver.2- 4000~450H~5000mm lacquer paint on synthetic
material(FRP),plaster, plaster(whitewash),plywood

The deep space -ver.1- 6000~2500H~6000mm synthetic material(FRP),
artifical turf flower, garavel,natural rubber

Fragment of thought 110-160~70-90H~110-160mm plaster,artifical flower

A human being 900~250H~900mm synthetic material(FRP), artifical turf

The deep sphere 900~450H~900mm lacquer paint on synthetic material(FRP),

Fragments of thought-ver.2- 900~350H~900mm plaster,plywood

The mind volcano 1500~2300H~1000mm natural rubber,gravel,plaster

A human being 600~250H~600mm synthetic material(FRP),plywood

International Sympojium Varanasi 2005 -Sculpture and Petry- @VaranasiEƒCƒ“ƒh 2005
The Deep Garden -body, place, mind- 5000~1400H~3000mm synthetic material(FPR),
sandstone,gravel, rubberband,cloth, oil-based paint,plywood

The thought float 1300~160H~800mm sandstone,rubberband,cloth, oil-based paint,plywood

reincarnation 900~330H~900mm synthetic material(FRP), sandstone,rubberband,cloth,
oil-based paint,plywood

reincarnation 250~370mmrubberband, acrylic paint on canvas

reincarnation 250~370mmrubberband, acrylic paint on canvas